‘PlayStation’ Console Concert a definite power-up
February is the month of love, so we celebrated by showing our love for video games with the first concert in our chamber music series: Console Concert 1.0: Sony PlayStation Read More …
iconiQ The Soundtrack Orchestra
anime, cartoon, and video game chamber orchestra
February is the month of love, so we celebrated by showing our love for video games with the first concert in our chamber music series: Console Concert 1.0: Sony PlayStation Read More …
New York-based chamber ensemble iconiQ The Soundtrack Orchestra will “level-up” the chamber concert experience with Console Concert 1.0: Tribute to Sony PlayStation® 1 at 7pm Friday, Feb. 13, 2015, at Downtown Community Television Center (DCTV) in Manhattan.
2015 is just around the corner, and we’re happy to announce our next concert event: Console Concert 1.0! It’s been 20 years since Sony’s dragon-flying, tomb-raiding, world-saving PlayStation® console introduced Read More …
iconiQ The Soundtrack Orchestra celebrates the 20th anniversary of Sony’s dragon-flying, tomb-raiding, world-saving console with Console Concert 1.0: Sony PlayStation – an interactive multimedia experience sponsored by Video Games New Read More …
Watch the behind-the-scenes laughs and jokes from PSXX: PlayStation 20th Anniversary
Celebrating Playstation’s 20th with a medley of its signature themes